Serenade of serendipity SS24
I was a part of making this collection with Solitude Studios during my apprenticeship with them.
Serenade of Serendipity considers the way we interact with each other and the world. The transactional relationship with the universe, nature and each other, where we invest our time and energy and expect material in return. (Material being physical or soul). It looks for the meaning we constantly seek and work toward, but which we never find.
Serenade of serendipity SS24
I was a part of making this collection with Solitude Studios during my apprenticeship with them.
Serenade of Serendipity considers the way we interact with each other and the world. The transactional relationship with the universe, nature and each other, where we invest our time and energy and expect material in return. (Material being physical or soul). It looks for the meaning we constantly seek and work toward, but which we never find.